ZINECDA was proud to participate in the regional child rights advocacy seminar held in Harare on August 16th. The event focused on the critical theme “Putting Children at the Centre of the SADC Development Agenda.” As part of the seminar, we advocated strongly for the adoption of the SADC Protocol to ensure that every child’s fundamental rights to survival, development, protection, and participation are prioritized across the region. Ensuring children’s needs and well-being are at the forefront of the SADC development plan is crucial for building a brighter future. In addition to the SADC Protocol, other key policy advocacy issues discussed at the forum included: The state of nationality rights within the SADC region Addressing child sexual abuse in the SADC region Improving early childhood development and education across the SADC region ZINECDA will continue championing these vital causes and working with partners to drive real progress on these important issues for children
This book provides an insightful exploration for parents, educators, funders, practitioners and policymakers, offering a nuanced understanding of the work implemented by early childhood development networks operating in Africa. The early childhood development networks have in multiple ways influenced the foundation for life long learning for millions of young lives in Africa. The book therefore is a vital resource for understanding the dynamic interplay of factors that...
Read the below article where ZINECDA National Coordinator Mr Naison Bhunhu had a one on one interview with OXFAM IBIS Communications Specialist Malene Aadal Bo on the effects of Climate Change to Early Childhood Development.Read more!
There is a need for the development of a protocol that specifically addresses the plight of children from a very early age in the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Region as children are the foundation and future of any society. This came out of a one-day workshop held in Harare, Zimbabwe, and organised by the national Technical Working Group of the Zimbabwe Network for Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA) to interrogate issues affecting the development of children from a very young age. ZINECDA is a Zimbabwean umbrella body of early childhood development organisations and individuals working in partnership with other stakeholders to influence policies, programmes and practice related to early childhood development (ECD) through policy advocacy, generation of new knowledge, building capacity of members, policy makers and sharing experiences. ZINECDA, in partnership with National ECD Coalition of Lesotho (NECDOL), and the ECD Coalition of Malawi, are implementing a transnational advocacy capacity building project...
The Legislators on the 30th of November 2022 proposed introducing an education fund to ring- fence free basic education. @ZimTreasury allocated ZWL631 billion to @MoPSEZim with infant education getting an allocation of ZWL98.2 billion of which 93% will be going towards salaries.