This issue marks the final newsletter of 2024, a time to reflect on our achievements and the lessons learned as we look toward 2025.In 2024, ZINECDA celebrated significant growth, welcoming new members and appointing a new Director and Programmes Advocacy Coordinator. Our relationships with policymakers, legislators, and the media strengthened, enhancing our advocacy for Early […]
The 13th issue of the ECD Voice, the second edition for 2024, highlights the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education's significant progress in developing the new Heritage-Based Education 2024-2030 Curriculum Framework. The proposed curriculum will embrace heritage as the foundation for learning, seamlessly integrating technology, and will be implemented from ECD through Upper Secondary level. [...]
Dear Reader, the 12th issue of the Zimbabwe ECD Voice, the first publication for 2024, is now available. ZINECDA is enthusiastic about the achievements in the first quarter and anticipates a successful year in early childhood development (ECD). ZINECDA actively participated in the Eastern Southern Africa Conference, contributed insights, and established partnerships in the region. [...]
Welcome to the 11th and final edition of the Zimbabwe Early Childhood Development Voice (ZimECDVoice) newsletter for the year 2023. We are thrilled to have this opportunity to reflect on what has been an incredibly impactful year for ZINECDA and our partner organizations. Together, we have achieved significant milestones that have propelled early childhood development [...]
The 10th issue of the Zimbabwe ECD Voice celebrates the approval of the National Early Learning Policy and the Amendment of the Children’s Act, which are significant milestones for early childhood development in Zimbabwe. ZINECDA has been entrusted with coordinating the Foundational Literacy Thematic Committee, a group that brings together ECD actors to discuss, advocate [...]
Welcome to the 9th edition of the ECD voice which is our first edition for the year 2023. This edition reminds us why ECD is important and why it should be a priority in budgetary terms and implementation terms. We dive into the Tashkent Declaration and what the participants agreed to during this strategic gathering, [...]
Welcome to our latest newsletter the Zimbabwe Early Childhood Development Voice (ZimECDVoice). The 8th Edition will provide you with information on relevant facets of the ECD Sector in Zimbabwe as well as insights into the region.Get an insight of the 2023 Post Budget Analysis, ZINECDA attending the 42ND SADC Heads of State Summit side event, [...]
The 7th issue of the ECD Voice is available for download. Get a glimpse of the road to SADC Taskforce meeting, the launch of the Southern African Network in Early Childhood Development (SANECD), ZINECDA participating in joint monitoring visits, and how Matebeleland North reflects on the 10-year journey. There is so much more [...]
Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors national coordinator Naison Bhunhu and the program’s officer Marceline Kahlari are joined in the studio by Gokwe Chireya legislature Honourable Torerai Moyo to discuss the status of ECD financing in Zimbabwe. The conversation is centered around creating the desirable status that the Government subsidise fees and levies paid […]
Watch the discussion as Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors and partner organizations speak on the status of School Readiness for ECD children in Zimbabwe. Pertinent issues such as higher learner to teacher pupil ratio, inadequate ECD infrastructure, prioritisation of deploying trained ECD teachers and earmarking specific resources towards ECD in the National Budget […]
The Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA) and the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe entered in a partnership with Roger Federer Foundation (RFF), in implementing the School Readiness Initiative (SRI). The initiative’s main objective is to enhance access to quality ECD education so that vulnerable children are ready for primary education. The project seeks […]
ZINECDA in 2022 is celebrating 10 years of championing policy advocacy and networking in Early Childhood Development in Zimbabwe. Our theme for the year is ZINECDA @10: Celebrating a decade of Networking and Championing Early Childhood Development. As we celebrate this year, it is helpful to reflect on some significant milestones that have occurred over [...]
This edition is issued during a time when Zimbabwe, through the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE) finalised two important documents, namely, the School Financing Policy and Education Management Information System (EMIS) Statistics report for 2020. The School Financing Policy that seeks to determine the level of financial support considered to be adequate for [...]
Welcome to our latest newsletter the Zimbabwe Early Childhood Development Voice (“ZimECDVoice”), which is the second edition this year. The ZimECDVoice provides you with information on relevant facets of the ECD sector in Zimbabwe as well as insights into the region. I wanted to provide some awareness of the knowledge generation work that ZINECDA [...]
As we enter the last quarter of the year, several decisions and plans are made as regards lessons learnt in the year and effecting plans for 2021 and beyond. Decision making in 2020 is complicated by additional demands and considerations of COVID19.
As we enter the last quarter of the year, several decisions and plans are made as regards lessons learnt in the year and effecting plans for 2021 and beyond. Decision making in 2020 is complicated by additional demands and considerations of COVID19.
We Acknowledge the effort made by the Government of Zimbabwe to safeguard lives through various containment measures against COVID19
On the 23rd of April 2020 the world celebrated the WorldBookDay, even though the world is going through a new, unchartered territory in the struggle against the COVID-19…
#Creating a child friendly environment during the Covid 19 lockdown. COVID 19 has come unexpectedly with a blow that has affected everyone from the youngest to the eldest.
Providing contextually relevant Early Childhood Development (ECD) information and ensure that the Zimbabwean ECD Voice is heard…