ZINECDA is the lead agency of a regional ECD coalition implementing the Transnational Networks Advocacy Capacity strengthened for improved ECDE legislation, policies and measures in Southern Africa (TRANAC) project in the SADC region.
- Nationally and regionally, ZINECDA is considered to be the go-to organization for ECD participating in policy processes, research, capacity building and leadership as shown by contributing to the following achievements:
- Lead for the national ECD Thematic Committee in Zimbabwe
- Member of the National Task for establishing the Domestic Financing Mechanism
- Contributed to the development of draft policies (School Financing, Early Learning, Inclusive Education)
- Leading in SADC regional process to situate ECDE on the agenda and for adoption of the protocol for children and a policy framework incorporating ECDE.
- Partnership arrangements with SAPST, ZNCWC, ECOZI, Zimbabwe Parliament, SADC Parliamentary Forum, CRNSA, AfECN, SAFOD, WFF.
- The network developed and assumed management of the Africa Education and Learning Hub which serves as the digital market place of promoting collaboration, learning and innovation for improved and sustained policy influencing.
- The Network is continuously participating in lobbying for enabling policies formulation supporting ECD such as the school financing, inclusive and comprehensive ECD policy.
- The network has functional and vibrant membership in three regions and 10 provincial chapters championing the implementation of policies, programmes and practices.
- Resources portfolio has increased from $20,000 in 2016 to $500,000 per year in 2022.
- Has established governance structures with up-to-date policies, guidelines and procedures in addition to annual financial auditing being a must.
- A lean and stable executive office which possesses various expertise in child development issues.
- ZINECDA has championed the development of guidelines and standards of ECD which have been incorporated into the draft Harmonised Manual of policy circulars and statutory instruments in Zimbabwe by the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education (MoPSE).
- The Network is continuously participating in lobbying for enabling policies formulation supporting ECD such as the school financing, inclusive and comprehensive ECD policy.
- ZINECDA participates in partnership with the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe (ECOZI) in oversight meetings and monitoring of ECD curriculum implementation in Zimbabwe.
- 10 provincial chapters have been established and are fully functional with a Chair, Secretary and Treasurer who steer the chapter at provincial level.
- ZINECDA has broken the centre/peripherey dichotomy by taking inclusive processes in all decisions thus ensuring the participation of all members in all the 10 provinces of Zimbabwe
- ZINECDA initiated self-introspection conversations where ECD actors are looking at their strengths and weaknesses and how other ECD actors can complement each other in their work.
- ZINECDA initiated a multi stakeholder platforms at national and provincial level that bring in funding partners, NGOs, civil society and the government departments together to discuss areas of convergence around improvement of ECD.
- ZINECDA has attracted partnerships with various regional and international stakeholders interested in supporting the growth and development of the network and its members.