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Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors national coordinator Naison Bhunhu and the program’s officer Marceline Kahlari are joined in the studio by Gokwe Chireya legislature Honourable Torerai Moyo to discuss the status of ECD financing in Zimbabwe. The conversation is centered around creating the desirable status that the Government subsidise fees and levies paid […]
Watch the discussion as Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors and partner organizations speak on the status of School Readiness for ECD children in Zimbabwe. Pertinent issues such as higher learner to teacher pupil ratio, inadequate ECD infrastructure, prioritisation of deploying trained ECD teachers and earmarking specific resources towards ECD in the National Budget […]
The Zimbabwe Network of Early Childhood Development Actors (ZINECDA) and the Education Coalition of Zimbabwe entered in a partnership with Roger Federer Foundation (RFF), in implementing the School Readiness Initiative (SRI). The initiative’s main objective is to enhance access to quality ECD education so that vulnerable children are ready for primary education. The project seeks […]