Welcome to the first issue of the Zimbabwe Early Childhood Development Voice (“ZimVoice”). This new publication is the result of the need to provide some contextually relevant early childhood development (ECD) information and ensure that the Zimbabwean ECD Voice is heard.

June 16, saw the African continent commemorating the Day of the African Child. This inaugural issue provides an Afrocentric perspective to early childhood development in Africa. In January 2020, ZINECDA launched its new updated website (www.zinecda.org) in line with its mandate of providing relevant and context specific ECD information.

Zimbabwe ECD Voice Publication

Enhancing communications regarding ECD in Zimbabwe is one of the objectives of ZINECDA and it is central to one of our Program areas.

This new quarterly publication is an extended effort by ZINECDA to provide you with more information on the early childhood development sector in Zimbabwe. We hope you enjoy this inaugural issue, which is an e-format for easy reading, printing and distribution.


Patrick Makokoro
Founder/Board Chair ZINECDA
Twitter: @PatrickMakokoro

WELCOME by Editor

Dear Reader
It is with great pleasure that this inaugural e-Newsletter presents the voices on behalf of early childhood children in Zimbabwe and the Africa Region. It aims to share new knowledge on early childhood development (ECD) as generated through research and gained through practice. It will pride on perspectives and voices from the African perspective. It will also promote reading, research and promoting new thoughts and perspectives on ECD. The e-newsletter fulfils ZINECDA’s role in influencing conducive ECD policies, legislation and practice; promoting networking and building the capacity of network members.


We treasure all your contributions to improve the quality of the newsletter and hope you will share it with colleagues, friends and other networks.


Naison Bhunhu
National Coordinator – ZINECDA
Twitter: @NaisonBhunhu

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