As we enter the last quarter of the year, several decisions and plans are made as regards lessons learnt in the year and effecting plans for 2021 and beyond.
As we enter the last quarter of the year, several decisions and plans are made as regards lessons learnt in the year and effecting plans for 2021 and beyond.
Decision making in 2020 is complicated by additional demands and considerations of COVID19.
ECD has been adversely affected by school closures as approaches in Zimbabwe were mass broadcasting (Radio Lessons) and online solutions such as WhatsApp, Google classroom, Zoom Conference and Google meet…
…which all required data and internet based connections, a feat accessible to 30% of primary school population in Zimbabwe. Additionally these alternative learning approaches tend to favour the urban and rich widening the education equity gap. ECD experts in Zimbabwe are working tirelessly to have ECD issues included and prioritised in the Education Sector Strategy Plan 2021-2025 and accordingly an ECD Indaba has been planned for 7 and 8 October for this purpose.
This follows various engagements with parliamentarian education committee, civil society intersectoral forums and engagements with senior officials through joint monitoring visits to schools. We appreciate the comments and feedback we received after the launch of our first issue in July 2020. We want to hear from you directly so please feel free to email us at with your ideas, suggestions and any ECD related updates you wish to have published in our December issue.
National Coordinator
Twitter: @naisonbhunhu
READ>>> Issue 2 Zimbabwe ECD Voice
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